The best card you’ll ever send!
Amid growing religious nationalism on the sub–continent, our brothers and sisters in Christ are facing increasing hostility and opposition. Places once known for their tolerance have become difficult ground for the gospel, with anti–conversion laws and numerous other barriers preventing children from hearing the Good News. This means many women struggle to find faith, grow in Christ, and pass on this message of hope to their children.

Our partners have developed a secure SD card for distribution among women. They believe that the best way to reach children is to empower their mothers and other carers to teach them faithfully. Containing a Bible, a children’s Bible and a vast array of other gospel–centred content, these resources are designed to help women grow in their faith and share the gospel with their children. For safety, this Christian material is securely hidden, accessible only to the trusted owner, ensuring both protection and powerful impact.

Each SD card costs £10 to produce and distribute. Our partners plan to give trusted women in their network five cards each, for distribution to those who will benefit most. With over 10,000 potential recipients, this is a huge opportunity to bless the women and children of South Asia with the good news.