We have a burning desire to see the Asian church grow in depth and breadth.
That is why we are enabling the translation, printing and distribution of Bibles and Christian books for believers across Asia who have no access to Scripture in their heart language.
We are convinced that all Scripture is breathed out by God and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. That is why we long to place it in the hands of people who otherwise cannot access it.

In some cases, Bibles are no longer in print or are too expensive for the church. We often come across whole villages where even the pastor has no Bible. In other instances, God’s Word has not been translated into the language of the people group, and so we support efforts to translate and distribute the good news.
We also assist in the provision of materials such as theological books, Sunday school materials and audio Bibles in a variety of languages.
Can you help Asians access Scripture in their heart language today?
Bible a Month
By donating £4 to our Scripture fund, you can provide a family in Asia with access to God’s Word, often for the very first time. Or if you give a Bible a month [CLICK HERE] you can bless 12 families throughout the year!