A new partnership is seeing much fruit for the Kingdom among Muslims in the Middle East.
Several years ago a group developed outreach course, not unlike Christianity Explored or Alpha, but specifically designed for a Muslim audience. The course is film–based and takes viewers on a chronological journey through the Bible, focusing on the key figures in both the Christian and Muslim tradition with particular emphasis on the work of Christ and triune nature of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Thousands have completed the course which is usually run by believers from Muslim backgrounds. Many have come to true faith in Christ through the course, going on to join local churches for further discipleship.

One story of a family who came to faith through the course is particularly remarkable. Living in Yemen, where conflict and violence often rears its head, the family were at home one day when their four–year–old daughter insisted they go and visit relatives. There was no apparent reason for this insistence, but the family decided to accept the daughters request.
Thirty minutes later, the family received a call. A bomb had fallen and destroyed their home. Had they still been inside, the family almost certainly would have been killed. The family immediately accepted that God had saved their lives, and so were particularly receptive when they later encountered a Christian who began introduced them to the course.
Eventually, the Lord moved in the lives of this family, and both parents and all nine children came to faith in response to the faithful gospel presentation contained in the course.
Praise God for His saving work in this family, first from the bomb and then from their sin. Pray for the family as they continue to be discipled and pray for the many other Muslims using the course.
AsiaLink is helping to translate the course into another language so that even more people will have the opportunity to encounter the truth of God’s Word.
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