Nine lives transformed by the power of Jesus!
In many parts of Pakistan, access to water is severely limited. For thousands living in rural areas, many miles must be walked each day to collect water from the nearest source. Even when villages do have their own source of clean water, it must be shared between hundreds of homes with a single pump providing water for cooking, drinking and personal hygiene.
In recent months, water has become even scarcer after a stifling heatwave beset the nation, with temperatures reaching over 50°C in areas unused to such heat.

Our partners in one province have been installing hand–operated water pumps in many villages requiring water access. The provision of these pumps is opening doors for the gospel!
Earlier this year, five people came to faith after an evangelist connected with a local man out working. On learning of his village’s water supply issues, the team provided a pump near his home and began to connect with the community. After a few months of evangelism, five people came to faith and were baptised! One man said, “I have found that there is eternal life in Jesus. He is the Saviour. He is the healer.”
The team also had a powerful experience with two young, newly married women. After spending some time with the women and their husbands, the workers felt that these girls were being afflicted by demons. They prayed for them and when they were released, both women put their trust in Christ!
They began to witness to their husbands, and despite many weeks of feeling as though they were hitting a brick wall, they persisted until God finally softened the hearts of these young men. Both husbands came to faith and all four were baptised!

Overall, the provision of water pumps has proven incredibly fruitful. Six new fellowships have started in six months, with most villages which received a pump already having seen a church planted! Those attending these fellowships typically come from a Hindu background, although there is at least one Muslim–background family now attending.
Praise God for His goodness as unreached people in Pakistan experience the living water found only through faith in Christ! Please pray for the team as they continue to provide more villages with pumps and share the gospel, and ask that resources would continue to be provided to enable this work.
You can support this work in Pakistan through our Tell With a Well fund which is serving villages across South Asia!