Reaching children in the face of opposition.
Vietnam remains a nation hostile to the church. While fellowships in the major cities can quietly meet without much interference, elsewhere, in rural areas, persecution and opposition is fierce.
We’re privileged to partner with a couple reaching children in a rural region in the south of the nation. The Communist regime forbids evangelism, yet this faithful couple, both Vietnamese nationals, hold regular outreach programmes for children. Over the summer months several summer clubs were able to take place thanks to the generosity of AsiaLink supporters.

The clubs occurred in four different locations and were a wonderful opportunity for the gospel. Many of the children come from Buddhist or spirit–worshipping families to enjoy a programme including games, singing, crafts and Bible stories.
God’s hand of protection covered these clubs. At the first location, local police paid close attention to the gathering, with many officers on the street outside the building where the outreach was taking place. At one point, the officers told the owner to stop the meeting, citing Covid restrictions. However, they eventually allowed the meeting to continue without discovering what was being taught inside!
Altogether, 115 children came along to the four summer clubs with 20 placing their faith in Christ for salvation! Furthermore, two parents also became Christians after hearing the gospel at the final club!
Our partners were incredibly encouraged by the Lord’s work in the lives of all these people and continue to keep in touch with them, even providing a gift of rice for the poorer families.
Praise God for His saving work in the lives of these children and parents. Pray that as the gospel goes with children back to their homes, that the Lord would bring more into the Kingdom. Pray also that our partners would be able to continue their evangelistic efforts to children and be shielded from unwanted attention from authorities.