How your support is getting crucial aid to refugee families.
Being a refugee brings with it so many emotions, fears and practical issues which those in the West could never imagine. Myanmar is home to the world’s longest running civil war, and this month has marked the two–year anniversary of the military coup that plunged the nation into an even more difficult period of conflict.
Our partners have ministered among those affected by the conflict for many years and especially two people groups targeted by armed forces, the Karen and the Karenni. These people groups were promised autonomy by the British when they withdrew in 1948. The promise was never realised, and so these people groups have been heavily persecuted ever since.

Our partners recently ventured into an area of Myanmar greatly affected by bombing. Our partners brought food and other essentials to help those who had lost everything. One lady shared what had happened to her and her family.
“Our family was living peacefully until the war came into my village. The soliders occupied our village and burned down our house and destroyed our farm. There is nothing to return to. We’ve had to flee six times because of the war. Since there were no opportunities to work, we began to run out of food. So now we stay in this refugee camp. It has been two months without any aid so today I am so thankful to God for bringing people here to help us with food.”
This family is just one of thousands who have lost everything in the wake of the renewed conflict in Myanmar. The aid our partner is able to provide through your support is a lifeline for many. Another recipient of food and essentials wanted to thank supporters like you who enable this aid to be given.
“Tell the supporters that we are so thankful, God heard our prayers and finally our prayers are answered. Sometimes it is hard for us not seeing our prayers answered, but we still keep on praying and strongly believe God will answer in His time, not our time. We have nothing to give you in return, but we thank God for you and from the depth of our heart we want to say thank you for the one millionth time.”
Thank you for your ongoing prayerful and practical support for displaced families in Myanmar. Please do continue to pray for this vital ministry and for peace to come to this war–torn land.
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