

Action —

The Ripple Effect

The impact of a simple winter kit.

Your support enabled our partners to distribute 600 more winter kits to Mongolian families in need this winter. With temperatures known to plummet as low as –50ºC, good–quality, warm clothing is an essential. But the giving of each gift also creates an opportunity for the gospel to be shared and people’s lives are being transformed as a result, to an extent far greater than we ever expected!

Tserne is a widow with a grown–up daughter and young granddaughter. She is extremely poor and has had to move from place to place since her husband died. Tserne and her family have been subject to abuse in many of the places they’ve stayed. They have been reliant on friends and family for food and shelter, and life has been unimaginably difficult. 



Two years ago, Tserne encountered a small Christian fellowship meeting in a ger (tent). A couple of recovering alcoholics named Bolormaa and Bayanmunkh planted this small church shortly after they gave their lives to Christ, having heard the gospel when a team visited to provide winter kits to their children. Tserne began attending this group each week for fellowship, study and prayer.

She came to faith after learning about Jesus here, and today she radiates the love of Christ! As someone who has very little, she understands just how wonderful and precious it is to receive every spiritual blessing in Him. She has become an active member of the church and is a bold witness for the Saviour. Recently, our partners have provided her with a ger of her own, situated next to the church where she faithfully serves.

Praise God, who gives hope to the hopeless and uses our small offerings, in this case a winter kit, to do mighty things for His Kingdom! Please pray that the impact of this ministry would continue to be far–reaching, surpassing our expectations even further!

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