Making Christ’s name known through word and deed in Pakistan.
In Pakistan, our partners continue to minister to those affected by last year’s record–breaking floods. Approximately one third of the nation was submerged as the heaviest monsoon rains on record swept away thousands of homes leaving millions homeless.
The humanitarian need in Pakistan is worsened further by the extremely high inflation that is pushes prices up of everyday essentials. Inflation has risen above 50% and many families are unable to afford sufficient food for themselves. Our partners have heard of incidents in which people have tragically lost their lives in crushes caused by huge numbers gathering for food handouts. Thankfully, our partners have been able to provide increased financial support to their team to help in this difficult period.

Fourteen families displaced by the flood and struggling in the financial climate of Pakistan currently live on the patch of land our partners were able to purchase with your support. Each family have been provided help to construct homes as well assistance to secure incomes. Our partners also established a small school on the site for the families, but after a local Muslim community heard about it, there are now 50 children receiving an education there! Our partners are seeking to expand the school’s capacity and recruit a Christian teacher to join the believer already in place.
The help and aid provided by AsiaLink supporters is having a wonderful and far–reaching impact. One man, Kabir, received aid from the team before committing his life to Christ after hearing the gospel. This new believer later moved 600km away in search of work where he met and befriended a couple who had never heard of Jesus. Kabir shared his testimony and talked about the Christian faith. The couple wanted to hear more so our partners were contacted and after a number of phone calls, both husband and wife committed their lives to Christ!
Our partners were able to make a journey on a motorbike provided through the On Your Bike Appeal to visit the couple and baptise them! Pray with us for this couple and praise God for the faithful witness of Kabir who first befriended them! Pray for the situation in Pakistan to ease and for inflation to fall. Pray for our partners, that the Lord would bless every effort to make His name known and bring care and comfort to those in desperate need.
Support outreach in Pakistan today. Just £30 could support an evangelist for a whole month!