How your support is changing lives and equipping the church for outreach!
Mongolia is a vast land home to around 3.5 million people. Due to its geographical size, it makes the most scarcely populated country in the world. Sadly, followers of Christ are also scarce here with 98% of the population considered unreached.
AsiaLink has been privileged to partner with believers in Mongolia eager to see more people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Your support has been a huge help, especially with the provision of winter kits for children unable to cope with Mongolia’s freezing temperatures. The gift of a winter kit is a huge help to children from poor families and it also opens a door for the gospel, as evangelists take every opportunity to share Christ with recipient families.
Ana is one of those who recently received a winter kit. She was invited along to a meeting in a local church where she was happily surprised to receive a new winter coat and boots! Afterwards, she began coming along to church each week, bringing her three younger siblings with her to Sunday school. She loves being in the worship services and learning Bible stories. Wonderfully, Ana has given her life to Christ and shares about her faith with her family.
Hundreds more kits will be distributed this year, so please pray with us for more lives to be won for the Kingdom!

These same partners in Mongolia also work to encourage and resource church leaders and members to be more involved in the crucial work of mission and evangelism. With millions of people far from Christ, equipping and releasing the local church for their God–given task of sharing Christ is an important part of our partner’s vision to see the Kingdom grow. It will not be easy – Buddhist traditions and beliefs are widespread, and a large minority identify as atheists.
Recently, our partners have been holding training events with several church leaders and members to encourage outreach. Over the course of a few months, 110 leaders from 45 churches received training, including several from the very remote far–east of Mongolia.
One recipient of the training was especially encouraged, saying “It became clear to me what kind of church Christ wants to build and how I am called to be part of it. As a member of His body, I am supposed to be a contributor not a consumer!”
Pray for our partners in Mongolia as they continue to reach people for Christ and enthuse the church for mission. Pray that churches would respond to the call to reach the lost and that many would come to saving faith through their witness.
Support gospel outreach today in Mongolia.