Waiting forty years for the Scriptures.
Millions of people across Asia remain without access to God’s Word. Many live in nations where the Bible is considered contraband, while others are yet to receive all of God’s Word in the language they know best. Thanks to your support, we are committed to getting the Bible into the hands of those who long to receive it. By supporting the translation, printing and distribution of Bibles, thousands are finally encountering Christ for themselves through the pages of Scripture.
Recently, our partners in South–East Asia were able to provide 10,000 Bibles for the Ahka people. Below is the story of one man who is rejoicing after receiving a copy of God’s Word!
Boam was born into an animist or spirit–worshipping family. Every day, he and his family would seek to please the spirits of the forest and the river so they could be blessed. He believed that it was only when the spirits were satisfied that the family would have enough to eat and remain healthy. Boam remained an animist until he was 37 years old at which time he met a Christian who shared the gospel. Both Boam and his wife believed in Christ and were greatly encouraged by the arrival of a son not long afterwards. They had been struggling to have children for many years, and Boam was full of joy when he had a total of three children in the years after his conversion! Truly there was new life in the Lord!

Boam and his family continued to worship the Lord and were entirely reliant on the teaching of a local pastor to learn more about Him as they had no Bible of their own. Finally, at the age of 77, forty years after coming to faith, Boam has a Bible of his very own – although one challenge remains, Boam can’t read! He still gives thanks, however, as he says the children the Lord gave will read the Scriptures to him!
Give thanks for the safe delivery of these 10,000 Bibles for the Ahka and the wonderful witness of Boam. Pray that as God’s Word is received, the Lord would work through His Word to transform lives and grow His church in South–East Asia!
It costs just £4 to give a Bible to someone like Boam. Help provide God’s Word today.