

Workers —

Spirit Worshipper No More!

How ‘V’ came to faith, and why he rode for 16 hours to meet us!

In South–East Asia, our partners continue to reach out to rural communities with the gospel. The areas in which they work have had little to no exposure to the gospel and so the opportunities for Kingdom growth are many!

Teams of evangelists regularly travel to meet people and share Christ. In one region, in a land particularly hostile to the Christian faith, they met V and his family. V was a spirit–worshipper or animist and believed that they’re good and evil spirits all around. V would do whatever he could to please the spirits as he believed that it was through their power that his family would stay healthy, and the harvest would be plentiful. Despite his efforts, V’s wife fell seriously ill.


Around this time, V and his wife met a team of evangelists sent by our partners. The team shared the gospel and prayed for V and his wife and they were both deeply touched.

Wonderfully, V’s wife began to get better even though the staff at the hospital had little hope for her recovery. V and his wife began to want to know Jesus as their friend and Saviour. The couple committed all aspects of their lives to Christ and began to serve Him.

Today, V now leads a team of evangelists in the largely unreached region in which he lives. Recently, your generosity through the ‘On Your Bike’ appeal has provided V with a motorbike to aid his ministry. He can travel further, and to many more places with the gospel.

V was so thankful for his new motorbike, that whenhe heard a member of the AsiaLink team was visiting South–East Asia, he rode 16 hours simply to say thank you in person! May the Lord bless V and his family and use him mightily for the sake of the gospel!

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