I am 71 years old and a retired schoolteacher. I was raised in a Buddhist family. My parents endlessly sought good karma in the hope of blessing from the Buddha. 60 years ago, while my parents were working in the fields, a group of Christians organised a special week of outreach events for children near our village. I joined the Christians and had a great day of fun. I also heard the gospel for the very first time and put my faith in Jesus. I came home and excitedly told my parents, but they were furious. They kicked me out of their home and disowned me. I was just 11 years old.
I wanted to keep following Christ and, wonderfully, the pastor of the local church adopted me into his family, treating me as if I was his own daughter. Although the family helped me gain an education, I never fully learned the language of the Bible that we had access to. I prayed for years for a Bible that I could read and understand for myself.
Finally, 60 years after I first trusted in Christ, I have a Bible in my very own in my heart language. Thank you so much!
I am 47 years old and an elder in my local church. I was raised in a spirit–worshipping family and in my younger days acted as a witch doctor for my village. People would look to me for healing. I would lead ceremonies, pleading with the spirits to intervene and carrying out sacrifices on behalf of the ill. Often, people did not recover. I know now that I never really experienced the presence of spirits.
I knew of a Christian village nearby where a worship service was held. I remember thinking the Christians dressed up nice for their service, and I wanted to join them to dress up nice as well! However, I wasn’t allowed to give up my duties as a witch doctor.
We moved villages as a family when I was still a teenager, and by the grace of God settled in a Christian village. Finally, I heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and I became a Christian. A friend gave me a Bible, which I treasured. I read and studied it, even sleeping with it in bed at night! I was able to read and understand how to live a good and holy life before God.
I know the Bible’s worth. It is a book of wisdom and it is the Word of God. Everyone needs a Bible to receive the wisdom it offers but so many people have no opportunity to receive one. Your gift means I can help distribute the Bible to those that need one. Soon I hope to go back to the village I was born in, where I was a witch doctor, so that I can give them these Bibles and share the gospel with them!
Each day of my life is full with my work tending the land to grow rice for myself and my seven children. My husband left us many years ago. He worships the Buddha and wanted us to as well. I refused, because I am a follower of Christ. I resolved to follow God no matter what. My husband was in many ways a good husband to me, but he refused to trust in Christ and couldn’t accept that both I and the children wouldn’t worship the Buddha, so sadly, he left us.
There was no Bible in our home, so I had to rely on my memory of what the pastor had taught in church to teach the children. For many years, throughout the ups and downs of my marriage, I had a dream of owning my very own Bible in my own language.
Finally, my dream has come true. Thank you for this gift that has brought joy to my family!
It costs just £4 to give the life–changing gift of a Bible to someone like Dawt, Kue or Cung.
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