Three stories of the need for winter kits in Mongolia.
Tse, 13, and Agi, 11, are sisters who sadly lost their mother two years ago. Their father is often absent for long periods due to his work at construction sites leaving Tse to look after her younger siblings.
They came into contact with a local church leaderwho invited Tse and Ali along to various events at church. Both Tse and Agi received winter kits and were delighted with their new warm clothing. Both sisters also participated in a discipleship course and are now in the safe and caring hands of the church.
Doljo is seven years old and lives with her grandfather who is a believer. Dole’s mother has a problem with alcohol and so both Doljo and her sister are cared for by their grandfather.
Doljo must walk 3km to get to her school in the mornings. In the winter, Doljo wasn’t able to get to school as the temperatures were too cold. Our partners in Mongolia have begun caring for Doljo and her family. Thanks to your support, Doljo can get to school everyday in her new grey jacket and hat!
Help warm hearts to the gospel with the gift of a winter kit today.
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