Sharing the Gospel in Nepal.
A man drives along a winding mountain path, steadily gaining altitude. The terrain is rough with potholes littering the way. At times, the path narrows, bringing the vehicle too close to the precarious cliff edge for comfort. As dramatic and stress–inducing as this trip would be for most of us, it’s no concern for this driver – an evangelist on his way to a far–flung village perched high in the Himalayas. Eventually, the road will run out, and the hours–long hike towards the final destination will begin. This is the life of Batsal*, our long–term partner in Nepal.
For most of AsiaLink’s 25–year ministry, Batsal has been supported by your generosity to bring the gospel to the furthest reaches of Nepal’s mountainous terrain.

Closer to home, however, Batsal has been witnessing in his own neighbourhood to a local Muslim business owner. Over several years, Batsal has made regular visits to this man, building a relationship and beginning to share about Christ. Batsal has given him various items of literature in this time explaining the Christian faith. The man recently revealed that he had read one of these items of literature and now understood the gospel, even asking for more literature to read.
Batsal also asks for prayer for Krishna, a 19–year–old drug addict. Krishna had a difficult childhood after his mother was completely paralysed and sadly fell into substance abuse. He has been doing some practical work for Batsal and is showing interest in the gospel, asking Batsal for a gospel tract as he wants a new beginning in his life.
Batsal also held a youth conference recently for 150 Christian young people soon to leave Nepal for studies or jobs outside the country. It’s very challenging to get places in good universities in Nepal, even for talented students, and so many move elsewhere for studying. Two days of teaching were completed for these young people which aimed to give them a better understanding of the Christian faith and equip them to defend their faith and evangelise others. Batsal does not know where they will all end up but wanted to ensure they stood strong for the Lord and were able to minister to others. Much literature was given to these young people as well to take with them on their travels.
Pray with us for Batsal’s continued ministry and for the Muslim man, for Krishna, and for these 150 young people. May the Lord continue to do mighty things among the people of Nepal.
*Name changed for security.
Support workers like Basal through the Asian Workers Fund.