Javad is a theology student in his mid–thirties, from a Muslim–majority country in the Middle East. In his teenage years, he was introduced to the growing drug scene in his home city. Gradually, he became addicted to drugs and he was later imprisoned numerous times for drug abuse and distribution.
Seven years ago, Javad heard the good news from one of his friends, who explained that Christ was the answer to all the pain and suffering in his life and that only Christ could offer him true freedom and meaning. So Javad gave his heart to Jesus.
Since then, his life has been transformed. He was healed from his addiction and through his involvement with an addiction support group, he began to share the gospel with others. Javad slowly began an evangelistic movement through a network of these groups.

After a while, the authorities found out about his evangelistic activities and arrested him. He was imprisoned for three months under suspicion of ‘acting against national security’. Javad says,
“When I was a drug addict, I slept in streets and my family deserted me and I was imprisoned many times. When I became a Christian, again my family deserted me and I was in prison again, but this time because of proclaiming Christ. This time I am happy about this. I have no fear of being rejected by the world, or imprisoned because of Christ. I’ve experienced imprisonment before but now it is a great honour to me to have these experiences for the sake of Christ.”
Some time after his release, Javad was introduced to a training college by the leader of his house church network. He began to attend classes and has been greatly helped both in his ministry and with his past.
“Dealing with the traumatic experiences of the past has been painful but absolutely critical to the healing I am now experiencing. It has been so liberating. I can keep going in ministry with increased resilience and joy.”
Please pray for Javad and other theological students like him as they continue to minister for the Lord in the Middle East.