

Workers —

Standing Firm

Enduring opposition in Bhutan.

Dechen, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, lives in the country of Bhutan and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour 30 years ago. One of his sisters being older than him had moved out of the family home and had become a Christian. It was while living with her temporarily that he heard the gospel for the first time, and he too came to faith in Christ.

His family were incensed. While they had tolerated his sister’s conversion, the conversion of  a male member of the family was unacceptable. They beat him mercilessly before kicking him out of the family home.


Eventually Dechen managed to get job in a hospital but during that time God began to open his heart and mind to full time ministry. As he contemplated studying and dedicating his life to full time service, he committed all his plans to God trusting Him to make a way and provide for every need.

His passion was for the unreached souls of Bhutan and so for 16 years he ministered, pastoring a small fellowship numbering 35 households. Eventually 5 more churches where planted, now pastored by men whom Dechen led to Christ and discipled.

Opposition is a way of life for these small fellowships, and Dechen’s church were not spared from it. He recalled one occasion when after showing the Jesus Film to his Sunday School children, one of them took the copy of the movie to school. The teacher found it in the child’s school bag and played it, allowing the whole class to watch. The parents complained to the principal who took the complaints to the town officials. A committee was formed to bring Dechen to heel. They warned him against meeting together for worship and communion, even threatening a jail sentence. 

But God gave Dechen courage to stand up for what he believed, and the church continued to meet. Seeing how the previous warning had not worked, town officials then threatened to imprison members of the church. Dechen encouraged his brothers and sisters in Christ to stand firm, telling the officials to leave his congregation alone and bring only to him what they believed was justice. 

For one month they visited him every day with threats of seven years’ imprisonment. Undeterred, Dechen continued to meet with his people. His perseverance paid off and eventually they left him alone. But the bigger picture was how the congregation was flourishing. Seeing how God was able to deliver them gave the congregation confidence that they could trust Him in the darkest times. 

Praise God for His faithfulness to Dechen and his church in Bhutan. May the Lord continue to bless and grow His Kingdom through Dechen’s ministry. 

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