Hope for the Middle East in the face of despair.
For many, the Middle East is synonymous with heart–breaking violence, warfare and atrocities against ordinary people caught in the crossfire.
Each passing week seems to bring fresh images of destruction and despair from various parts of the region. Events are fast–moving and the situation on the ground ever–changing. Even those who keep a close eye on developments struggle to keep up. Unpredictability has been a common theme for many years in this part of the world. To mention any recent development tempts fate – only God knows what the situation will be by the time this is read! This constant state of flux begets one humanitarian crisis after another, often exacerbated by natural disasters and famine.

With the barrage of distressing news and images, many of us can fall into the trap of becoming numb when we hear about the Middle East. With horrors so unimaginable, it can be easier to just tune out.
Our hope is that you might look afresh at this part of the world and be encouraged by what God is doing down in the rubble. He is present even in the most desperate of circumstances and, through His people, is mercifully bringing hope, relief and salvation.
Of course, while our partners have been blessed to witness many coming to faith, there is much still to do. Amid the overwhelming need, there are innumerable opportunities for the goodness of God to bring hope and healing. We encourage you to grapple with the despair in this region, but also to delight in the God who is restoring the meek and lowly.