Having been thrown out of their home in Pakistan after testing positive for coronavirus, ‘Simon’ and his family knew that their faith was the real reason for their eviction. With a wife eight months pregnant and a one–year–old to care for, we were relieved to hear that the Lord soon provided new accommodation for Simon’s family.
In the mean time, Simon was undeterred from sharing the good news of Christ. He continued to disciple ten recent converts, as well as preparing 20 people for baptisms after lockdown caused a backlog! Not only that, but he has been busy making plans for four new church plants in the region, visiting prospective locations, making connections and discipling families in the vicinity.

Looking back over recent weeks, Simon reflects,
“When my belongings were on the street and my wife and I were separated [geographically] it was the hardest time. As soon as we got into our new home, we realised that God sometimes leads us through hard situations to show us the good things he has for us.”
Simon has also been working hard trying to establish connections in new areas, with a view to planting four more churches. Through his witness to these people, 15 have so far accepted Christ and are now being discipled in their early days of faith. It is hoped that they will decide to be baptised soon.
Alongside all this work and now settled into a new home, Simon is being kept even busier with the birth of a baby daughter! We praise God for His faithfulness to Simon and his family and pray God’s richest blessing on them at this special time. Please pray with us for Simon at this time and for his continued evangelism and discipleship in Pakistan.
A version of this article first appeared in our new–look ‘Impact’ magazine. Don’t miss the next edition!