

Workers —

Refugee Church

Connecting for Christ in Jordan.

Invitations only go out through word of mouth as wider publication of the meetings would attract too much attention. Nevertheless, Idris and Lakia* now gather hundreds of refugees together in a rented building each week, the windows blacked out to deter unwelcome eyes.

Attendees arrive by rented bus or taxi. Once inside, these people from a mix of nationalities and faith backgrounds squeeze into four separate rooms. Such are the constraints on space that three gatherings take place, one after another for an hour each time. One hundred people are hosted at each meeting, with many more on a waiting list to attend due to security concerns. This is refugee church in Jordan.


Set apart from much of the disorder and chaos in the Middle East, the land takes its name from the River Jordan which flows into the Dead Sea along the kingdom’s north–western border. It is remarkable that the land has kept a distance from the tumultuous activities of its neighbours. With Syria to the north, Iraq to the east and Israel to the west, Jordan has been surrounded by warfare and upheaval.

The relative security enjoyed by Jordan has made it an attractive destination for many thousands of refugees. The country has received waves of displaced populations from across the Middle East. In fact, the nation currently hosts the second largest number of refugees per capita in the world.

These vast numbers of displaced people present both challenge and opportunity for the people of God. Christians are in the minority here and yet they are making a real impact among people in great need. In recent years, your support has helped provide the buses which enable refugees to hear the gospel and receive discipleship from trusted and faithful leaders at the refugee church. Without this transport, it would be very difficult to gather these people at all.


Alongside the teaching, there is time for discussion and encouragement. Those attending are enthusiastic with their questions about the Christian faith. Lakia and the other pastors’ wives listen carefully, seeking to identify those whose questions indicate a heart pursuing Christ. Those identified are then visited in their homes where deeper discussion can take place.

Your support has also helped this couple provide crucial relief to refugees alongside this ministry of evangelism, as well as the provision of Christian resources to support new believers in their faith.

There is also a growing work taking place online. Across the Middle East, reaching deep into devoutly Muslim communities is a challenge. However, the team’s outreach on social media is attracting increasing numbers, with Muslims from Jordan and beyond encountering Jesus for the first time.

One man, referred to as ‘Q’, began responding from Yemen and the team were able to send him a digital copy of the Bible. Wonderfully, ‘Q’ gave his life to Christ soon after and began to join the remote discipleship classes operated by Idris and Lakia. ‘Q’ later took a brave step in revealing his newfound faith at home in Yemen. This has resulted in him being labelled as an infidel. While the Lord spared him from imprisonment, ‘Q’ is subject to a stay–home order for the time being.

Through their ministry, Idris and Lakia’s team are seeing lives transformed, with people from all kinds of backgrounds giving their lives to Christ. The biggest frustration is simply that the existing facilities cannot accommodate enough attendees securely! Please join us in praying for the continues growth of this fruitful ministry!



· Praise God for His powerful work in ‘Q’s life and for a release from all restrictions placed upon him. 

· Praise God for the 300 refugees that gather each week to explore the Christian faith in Jordan. May He open their eyes to the truth of the gospel.

· Pray for Idris and Lakia and for all those working alongside them. Pray for their continued safety and for increased provision that the ministry might be able to grow.

*Names changed for security

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