In recent weeks, cases of Covid–19 in the South–East Asian nation of Myanmar have exploded. For several months, government officials reported only 300 cases across the nation. This past month, however, one township alone reported 1,500 new cases. Our partners operate a nearby training college for prospective pastors, evangelists and church–planters. Alongside this vital ministry of training the next generation of church leaders, they have also sought to positively influence their community.
In the past, the college has sponsored sporting and social events in an effort to form strong relationships with those living near the college. Such is the strength of these relationships that in times of crisis, local community leaders look to our partners for wisdom and help.
The sharp increase in local cases in the township is the latest such crisis. The latest positive cases are a large group of factory workers who live together sharing hallways and bathrooms. Located just three houses down from the college itself, around 200 workers have been barred from leaving their building by local leaders. With the workers no longer allowed to leave the building, the community have tried to provide what little food they could for those trapped indoors.

After local leaders approached our partners about the situation, they have been able to donate food and other essentials for the workers. With no government plans to provide relief, our partners believe that this is a wonderful opportunity to once again display the love of Christ in a practical way. In their own words, this is a chance to show the love of God “in a language they can understand”, and many opportunities to share the gospel with the community are anticipated.
Please pray for our partners as they engage with their community in this way and the Lord to use their witness for the furthering of His Kingdom. Pray too for these workers trapped indoors and tight quarters, that they would endure and come to know something of the love of Christ through this relief effort.
This story first appeared in the August Newsbite, our monthly email full of stories and updates from Asia. You can sign up to receive it in the box below.