Islam is the second most wide–spread religion in the world. Approximately 1.8 billion people on earth are Muslim. What might the future hold for Islam, what challenges are posed by the Muslim World and how can the Church take opportunities to share the gospel among Muslims?

Forecasts for the next 40 years indicate that Christianity is set to remain the world’s largest belief system, encompassing 32% of the global population. However, these same forecasts predict that adherence to Islam will swell to 31% of the global population.
Many have predicted that global adherence to religion would decline but religion does not seem likely to die out any time soon. The question to be answered over the next 40 years is which religion will be Earth’s dominant faith; Christianity or Islam?
The sheer number of Muslims today pose an incredible challenge, with the continent of Asia being home to over one billion Muslims alone. A colossal response is required from the Church to mount a rescue mission so that these lost people might hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
The location of these Muslims further increases the challenge. The vast majority live in lands where the gospel cannot be shared openly and churches have been pushed underground. Over half of the 20 worst countries in the world for persecution against Christians are either majority Muslim or have an Islamic government.

Nevertheless, where there is challenge, there too is opportunity. As an organisation, we are incredibly blessed to be able to work in Muslim–majority countries as we partner with local believers in these difficult lands.
God is still building His Kingdom among Muslim peoples. Stories of salvation and transformation are told by evangelists we support and from pastors ministering to small, secret gatherings of believers. Technology has opened avenues for the gospel in these lands and the next generation of Christian leaders are being identified, trained and released.
Praise God for how He is reaching Muslims. To Him be the glory!