COVID–19 (coronavirus) is having a significant impact on the lives of us all, as well as those we seek to reach in Asia. We want to make sure your questions are answered in this period of uncertainty and have addressed some key issues below.

Amid the difficulties posed by the present situation, we are determined to keep communicating stories of God’s goodness. We will also take this opportunity to seek creative new ways to communicate the work being undertaken for the Lord, including a number of fresh ideas which we’re sure will be of interest, particularly in a period of social distancing and isolation. Further announcements will be made in due course, and the best way to stay in touch is by subscribing to our mailing list!
Our thoughts are with those adversely affected by the virus and the changes to daily life that are taking place. We will be praying for you, our supporters, in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if we can help you in any way, please do get in touch.
With thanks for your support,
From all at AsiaLink
Your questions answered
Will AsiaLink’s ministry continue?
The spread of the gospel among Asia’s unreached continues to be of paramount importance and we are 100% committed to ensuring this work continues.
Can I still get in touch with AsiaLink?
As we seek to manage what is uncharted territory for us all, we are seeking to align our actions with government guidelines. Many of our team are able to work from home and will do so for as long as necessary. However, you can still contact us in the usual ways and our regional representatives continue to be available.
Can I still make a donation?
Yes! We will continue to accept donations in all the usual ways. You can donate to the work via our website, by cheque (made payable to AsiaLink), or by card over the phone. Standing orders and direct debits will continue to be processed as normal. Full contact details can be found on our contact page.
What if I can’t keep up my standing order or direct debit?
We recognise that many are facing financial uncertainty at the present time, and would urge you to feel no embarrassment or shame in halting your giving for as long as necessary. If you need any assistance with this, please do contact us.
How will AsiaLink be communicating with supporters?
Although many meetings and gatherings are being cancelled, ministry in the field does carry on and there is much good news to share. With this in mind, we will be producing an extra magazine in the coming weeks, designed to share many of those good news stories, so make sure you sign up to receive it!
Look out for a number of stories and other additional content on our website and social media channels too!
How can I pray for the work of AsiaLink at this time?
We would be deeply grateful for your prayers.
- Please ask the Lord to keep us focused on the vital task at hand, that we might not lose sight of the billions in Asia who remain unreached by the gospel
- Ask that our staff team would continue to work effectively in raising awareness of these unreached people, and support for the work being undertaken to reach them
- Pray that the Lord would grant us wisdom and creativity in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ at this time
- Pray that the Lord would be glorified in the work of AsiaLink, now and always