Our friend and partner Bishnu continues to reach the people of Nepal with the gospel. For many of the people he speaks to, it is their first time ever hearing about who Christ is and how they can obtain eternal life through Him.
Over the recent period of lockdown in Nepal, Bishnu’s ministry was restricted to the capital, Kathmandu. During this time he was able to go out in the city to distribute tracts and share the gospel with others.

He recently met a man called Robert, whose name has been changed for security. Robert was searching for fresh water to take back to his home. It was a rainy day so he had been unable to cross the flooded river to reach the spring he normally visited for water. Instead, by God’s appointment, he visited the training centre that Bishnu has been developing in search of water.
Sensing a gospel opportunity, Bishnu spoke to Robert after giving him water.
“I wondered if Robert was a believer. I asked him and he replied positively. I then invited him inside and asked him if he knew the meaning of two words: mercy and grace. He couldn’t answer. So I explained what these words should mean to a follower of Jesus.
“After that day he began to visit the centre every day to learn more. He would sit for many hours with a lot of questions. One day, as I was teaching him from Romans 5 about justification, the Holy Spirit opened his eyes to understand the glorious gospel.
“Since then Robert is growing every day in the Lord and now deeply desires to make Him known. He gives out His Word to everyone and I just keep thanking God for this brother. Robert had intended to go to the Middle East for a job but instead wants to give His life in service to the Lord. Please pray for our brother Robert!”
Bishnu has been able to make a few short trips out of the city as restrictions eased, but he is currently on his first long journey in months to the far north–west of Nepal. He is joined on this two–week trip by Robert which will be an invaluable time for further discipleship and training.
Please pray with us for Bishnu and Robert as they travel to share the gospel with people and villages in the north–west of Nepal. Pray too for Robert as he continues to grow in faith and seeks the Lord’s leading as he considers a life of ministry.
You can support Bishnu and others like him through our Asian Workers Fund.