We’ve received an urgent prayer request from partners in South–East Asia providing safe homes for refugee children.
Due to continued civil war in the region, the Karen people group have suffered greatly over many years.
In the past couple of weeks, more attacks were made in several areas the Karen people call home. With fighting ongoing, our partner was able to take in several children and families from these areas into the safe homes supported by AsiaLink.
These homes have provided many children with a safe, loving and God–glorifying place to live, far away from the fighting in their home villages.

One previous resident of the homes, Naomi, who also studied at a local Bible college, began a kindergarten ministry in the area where the fighting is currently raging. She continues to be supported by our partner but communication is currently not possible. The children in the kindergarten will need to be evacuated to one of the safe homes, but with lines of communication down, our partner is unable to begin making arrangements for a safe journey.
Please pray with us for this situation and for communication to be restored to help facilitate a safe evacuation from Naomi’s kindergarten. Pray too for our partner as she ministers to refugees and cares for those in the safe homes.