In recent years, China has restored its reputation of brutality against Christians. Fears have arisen over the widespread rise of the Christian faith which is viewed as a competitor to communism. Once again, China’s church is suffering tremendous persecution. We must continue to remember China’s Christians in prayer, but often it can be difficult to know how to pray intelligently for believers.
We take action to support servants of Christ in places like China, who have experienced first–hand the horrors of the oppressive Chinese regime and who continue to suffer today as a result. Below are a few of their stories and we trust you will uphold them in prayer with us.
Old Chinese man
Brother Yu (67) continues to battle poor health, of which high blood pressure and diabetes are his main challenges. Recently he has had to increase the dose of insulin he takes, as his diabetes worsens. His eyesight is now poor and he appears to be going blind. His condition is the result of years of torture because of his faith in Christ. Recently he was told his condition is stable and not worsening, thanks to the help he is receiving. He is now able to afford medication and daily necessities and continues to share the gospel with everyone who visits.
Brother Min (61) has been arrested and mercilessly tortured three times in his lifetime. His health is now broken and he suffers from Parkinson’s disease, which is growing progressively worse. The government has blocked him from receiving any health benefits so the assistance provided through the Living Martyrs Fund is vitally important. He recently reported: “My latest medical check–up showed issues with multiple organs, including my heart and lungs, and the Parkinson’s symptoms have been more obvious.”
Brother Dongfeng (58) was imprisoned twice for his role as a house church leader and had unknown drugs and liquids forced down his throat by the authorities. As a result, he now suffers serious stomach problems and is taking medicine. He recently shared that his health has been through some ups and downs, and he is still in need of the current medication plan for longer. He says, “Your loving support has been a big blessing to me. God bless you!”
How to pray
Praise the Lord that the church continues to grow in China
Pray for Brothers Yu, Min and Dongfeng that they would know the Lord’s comfort and healing
Pray for Chinese believers to remain faithful in the face of persecution and to boldly share the gospel with those around them
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