The third of our Easter reflections considering the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour.
“He is not here, he has risen, just like he said.”
To those disciples and followers whose hopes were shattered and who were in the depth of despair, afraid for their lives having hidden away lest they too be taken by the authorities and crucified like Jesus, these words must have been so hard to take in. How could it be true? They knew He was dead. They knew He had been buried in Joseph’s tomb. But now the tomb was empty!
Maybe it was then that the message of the angel was truly heard – “…just like he said.” Jesus faced the crisis of Gethsemane trusting in his Father. He embraced the brutality of the cross because He knew His Father and He knew that His trust in the mission and in the One who authored it would be vindicated.
Jesus told His disciples that He would be put to death but on the third day would be raised again from the dead. Their faith was weak where His was strong. That day had come and now everything changes!

His resurrection was not a whimper, even though, like His death, no human eyes witnessed it. It was an explosion of victory! Death had been defeated! The grave had been conquered! Sin had been overcome and Jesus had triumphed! Those fearful, doubting disciples had their lives radically changed and began to share the message of Jesus’ triumph.
Since that day, at this time of Easter, the church throughout the world has proclaimed the mighty message of the victory of Jesus’ resurrection but we know that there are 2.75 billion people in Asia who have never heard that message – who have never heard that there is hope for eternity because Jesus has been raised from the dead.
All over Asia, this will be the message that Christians will be sharing boldly this year. In jungles and refugee camps. In mountain ranges and deep valleys. In big cities and remote villages. With those who are privileged and with those who have nothing. Among the farmers working in the rice fields trying to provide for their families and among the young women rescued from the sex trade and degrading lives of prostitution.
To all these and more, victory is proclaimed, and hope is offered in the name of Jesus because He is not here, He has risen, just like He said.
Could you be part of a movement helping those who in some of the most difficult circumstances and conditions, are bringing this great message of hope to their communities in Asia?