Partners in Kashmir are seeing lives changed through faithful evangelism.
Kashmir is the most northerly state in India – a war–torn region at the centre of a decades–long dispute between India and Pakistan. It is also a very difficult place for gospel work due to its strong Muslim majority, yet God is at work. The church may have to meet in secret but they are boldly sharing their faith where they can.
One female worker ministers among Muslim women, building relationships with the local community by leading sewing courses and offering training in beauty. These activities provide her with many opportunities to share her faith and speak of her Saviour. She is connected to a small church that meets weekly which has been blessed with 13 baptisms so far this year.

Kashmir has a huge drug problem among young people. Over 40% of young people are involved with drugs due to high rates of unemployment and poverty. One of the workers we support in Kashmir has recently been meeting with a young man who expressed an interest in Christianity.
Over a period of six months, this young man has been regularly exposed to the gospel and is eager to learn more. He has left drugs behind and is close to accepting Christ as his Lord and Saviour.
Please pray for ongoing outreach in Kashmir and for this young man in particular, that his life would be transformed by coming to faith in Jesus Christ.